
Nepean CFUW Hosting Presentation on Endangered Whales

The Canadian Federation of University Women will be hosting a Zoom presentation on Mon., Jan. 10.

Dr. Brenna Frasier of the Nova Scotia Museum talk about the endangered North Atlantic right whale, Tuesday, January 10, 1-3 p.m. The event is open to the public. Please email for the Zoom link.

Note also that CBC TV will show an episode of “The Nature of Things” about the North Atlantic right whale, Friday Jan. 6 at 9 p.m.

Dr. Brenna Frasier is trained as a biologist and has studied marine mammals for almost 25 years. Her research has focused on DNA analysis (primarily ancient DNA) as a tool to address evolutionary, conservation and species management questions. This has culminated in projects examining 20th century whaling in Antarctica, 16th century Basque whaling of right and bowhead whales along the coast of Canada, and Norse whale-use over the past 1000 years around the North Atlantic. While most of her work has focused on marine mammals such as the North Atlantic right whale, beluga whale and Maritimes walrus, she has also studied a variety of other animals, including the Sable Island horses and several bat species.

Frasier has a passion for facilitating science and natural history learning and communicating science in unique and natural environments which has led to an array of other outreach-based projects including the development of marine mammal and forensic science camps for teens, supporting a local Forest School, writing for an array of audiences and completing field guides to assist in Traditional Ecological Knowledge studies on marine mammals in the Canadian Arctic. She is currently the Curator of Zoology of the Nova Scotia Museum, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.