
Focus on Youth: Student’s future includes making a difference in the world

By Phill Potter

Name: Lydia Adamu   

Age: 17

School:  St. Francis Xavier High

Grade: 12

Parents: Abeba Hailu (Mother), Adamu Berhanu (Father)

Brother: Sami (31)


Lia Adamu (14), grade 9, St. Francis Xavier High

Luwam Adamu (11), grade 6, Sawmill Creek Public

Sara Adamu (30), works for the Ontario Provincial Government

Pet Peeves: “Having to constantly repeat myself, and people who lie all the time.”

Part-time Work: Waitress at the Ottawa Army Officers’ Mess

Favourite Subjects: “My favourite subject this year by far, is Law. I enjoy that Law is a subject where I’m required to look deep into cases, and use critical thinking in order to find the best solution. I love debating and looking at different perspectives to achieve a common goal, and that is what my Law course allows me to do.”

What do you enjoy reading for pleasure?

“In my free time, I enjoy reading books about social justice and real issues that go on in the world. My favourite book is called The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This novel is about the experiences and trauma of systematic racism on an African American teenager, and how she is able to overcome them through being strong and resilient.”

Who is your favourite author?

“My favourite author is the amazing Angie Thomas. She is able to make one connect to her books, and really feel the emotions that a character is going through. While I’m reading her novels I catch myself zoning out and forgetting where I am, because I am so captivated.”

What is your greatest accomplishment?

“I have recently received early offers to the Political Science and Law program at both the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. I thank my amazing and hardworking mother and father for pushing me hard to always do my best and achieve all my goals. If it weren’t for them, I would not be who I am today. With that being said, I’m going to continue to work hard and make them proud.”

School Activities:

“Being on the Coyotes Football Team for three years, and participating in the YMCA Student Exchange to Newfoundland, over the years I have been very active in participating in school activities. Specifically, this year I was one of the three individuals chosen to represent my school in the OCSB Black Student Forum. The Black Student Forum was a great experience. Representatives from each school in Ottawa came together to create a safe and welcoming space for black students to learn about mental health, and to also have a space where they can feel free to speak.”

Other Activities/Interests:

“One of my many interests is learning about political and humanitarian issues that are prevalent around the world. One issue that I have taken personal interest in, as an individual that comes from an Ethiopian background, is the devastating humanitarian crisis that is going on right now in the region of Tigray. Since October 25, 2020 Ethiopia has been in a civil war. Innocent people of Tigray, including thousands of children, have been beaten to death, slaughtered, shot, and raped by the people of Eritrea and the military of Ethiopia. The Eritrean military are currently stealing all the food of innocent people, leaving 4.5 million Tigrayans in starvation. It’s important that the world speaks up, uses their voices for the voiceless, and raises awareness for these people.”

Career Goals:

“Next year my plan is to attend the University of Ottawa for Political Science to achieve my Undergraduate Degree, and eventually attend Law School and become a lawyer. As a lawyer I would like to help make a difference in the world by utilizing my voice, which is my superpower.”